7th Annual Cyber Security Next Generation Workshop

ONLINE Workshop (due to COVID-19) 

The annual Cyber Security Next Generation workshop in the Netherlands (supported by 4TU.NIRICT) aims to contribute to a stronger and more connected cyber security research community in the Netherlands. Seize this excellent opportunity to share ideas, experiences, and information, within the diverse topics of cyber security. Both researchers and practitioners working within the field of cyber security are cordially invited to join.

The 7th edition of this workshop will be held online on the 25th of November, 2021. Participation is free of charge. The detailed instruction for Gather.town will be send to you via email in due time,  after registration.

As in the previous years, the program committee is soliciting abstracts describing work on cyber security. The workshop also encourages the submission of interdisciplinary work on cybersecurity from related fields, including but not limited to all fields of criminology, law, economics, and psychology. All PhD and MSc students are encouraged to submit a one-page abstract in pdf-format, including names of the authors, affiliations and e-mail addresses. Submission is done by easychair:  https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=csng2021

Important Dates

- Abstract submission deadline: October 29

- Notification of acceptance: November 4

- Registration deadline: November 19

- Workshop date: November 25


Registration is free but required. Register here: xxx



(Network Layer) Anonymity By Default? Opportunities and Challenges by Dr. Stefanie Roos


12:45 - 13:00  Welcome to the digital system: Gather.town
13:00 - 13:40  Keynote: Dr. Stefanie Roos, Delft University of Technology
13:40 - 14:30  Coffee Break and Poster session 
14:30 - 16:00  Talks
16:00 - 16:40  Presentation from the BCMT candidates and award ceremony
16:40 - 17:30 Award ceremony and digital drinks


 (Network Layer) Anonymity By Default? Opportunities and Challenges

Afternoon Talks

  • "DeepCASE: Semi-Supervised Contextual Analysis of Security Events" by Thijs van Ede, Hojjat Aghakhani, Noah Spahn, Riccardo Bortolameotti, Marco Cova, Andrea Continella, Maarten van Steen, Andreas Peter, Christopher Kruegel and Giovanni Vigna

  • "Leveraging Partial Model Extractions using Uncertainty Quantification" by Arne Aarts, Wil Michiels and Peter Roelse

  • "Encryption 4 All" by Daniel Ostkamp and Merel Brandon

BCMT award ceremony


16:00 - 16:20 Daniel Vos  (TU Delft, supervised by Sicco Verwer) Adversarially Robust Decision Trees Against User-Specified Threat Models [Winner]

16:20 - 16:40  Gabor Kozar (VU Amsterdam, supervised by Herbert Bos and Cristiano Giuffrida) Dangless Malloc: Safe Dangling Pointer Errors [Runner-up]



Monday, October 4, 2021