10th Annual Cyber Security Next Generation Workshop
The annual Cyber Security Next Generation workshop in the Netherlands (supported by ACCSS) aims to contribute to a stronger and more connected cyber security research community in the Netherlands. Seize this excellent opportunity to share ideas, experiences, and information, on the diverse topics of cyber security. Both researchers and practitioners working within the field of cyber security are cordially invited to join.
The 10th edition of this workshop will be held on the 22nd of November, 2024. The event will take place at Bar BETON, Utrecht Central Station: Stationhall 2-9 (1st floor).
As in previous years, the program committee is soliciting abstracts describing work on cyber security. The workshop also encourages the submission of interdisciplinary work on cybersecurity from related fields, including but not limited to all fields of criminology, law, economics, and psychology. All PhD and MSc students are encouraged to submit a one-page abstract in pdf format, including authors' names, affiliations and e-mail addresses. Submission is done by easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=csng2024
Registration is free but appreciated: https://www.aanmelder.nl/160608. Please let us know if you cannot attend.
Important Dates
- Abstract submission deadline: November 7: extended to November 11
- Notification of acceptance: November 14
- Registration deadline: November 18 (EoD)
- Workshop date: November 22
Participation is free of charge; however, registration is required. Register here!
12:00 - 12:45 Registration and Lunch
12:45 - 13:45 Keynote
13:45 - 15:15 Afternoon talks
15:15 - 16:00 Coffee and Poster session
16:00 - 16:45 BCMT candidate talks and Award ceremony
16:45 - 17:00 ACCSS Ceremony
17:00 - 18:00 Drinks and Networking
Speaker: Dr. Riccardo Lazzeretti
Title: Securing the Virtual Realm: An Analysis of Extended Reality Devices and Applications
Extended Reality (XR) technologies are driving a digital revolution, moving beyond 3D visuals to applications in entertainment, education, healthcare, and more. As the metaverse emerges, XR offers transformative possibilities—from assisting astronauts to enabling the hearing-impaired to "see" conversations through subtitles. XR devices are versatile in their functionality, equipped with an array of advanced sensors, communication capabilities, and hardware specifications. As these technologies evolve, our perception of reality seamlessly blends with the virtual world. However, the exponential growth of these technologies raises concerns about whether these devices are secure and the users' sensitive information is kept private.
In this talk, we’ll address the unique risks associated with XR devices—such as potential data breaches involving highly personal information—and the importance of building secure, privacy-centric frameworks as we develop and deploy XR solutions. By understanding these risks and proactively addressing them, we can harness XR’s potential in a responsible and ethical manner, creating digital spaces that are as safe as they are innovative.
Dr. Riccardo Lazzeretti is an associate professor of engineering in computer science at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
His research focuses on security and privacy, particularly the Internet of Things and applied cryptography. Lazzeretti received his PhD in Information Engineering from the University of Siena, Italy. Then, he worked as a post-doc at the Universities of Siena, Padua, and Sapienza. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and associate editor of IEEE Transaction on Information Forensic and Security (TIFS), Elsevier Journal of Information Security and Applications (JISA), and Elsevier Computer Networks (COMNET). He regularly publishes at top-tier security venues and serves on the program committees of security conferences, among which are Usenix Security and ACM CCS.
Afternoon Talks
13:45-14:15: Ruling the Unruly: Network Intrusion Detection Rule Design Principles for Specificity and Coverage to Decrease Unnecessary Workload in SOCs;Koen Theodora Wilhelmina Teuwen, Tom Mulders, Emmanuele Zambon and Luca Allodi
14:15-14:45: Oraqle: A Depth-Aware Secure Computation Compiler; Jelle Vos, Mauro Conti and Zekeriya Erkin
14:45-15:15: Quantifying Risk in the Kill-Chain: Automating Threat Prioritization for Kubernetes Clusters; Stefano Simonetto and Peter Bosch
BCMT award ceremony
16:00 - 16:20: Ioana Marin, Nicola Zannone, Luca Allodi: "The Influence of Personality Traits on the Intention to Report Phishing E-mails"
16:20 - 16:40: Sander Wiebing, Cristiano Giuffrida: "InSpectre Gadget: Assessing the Exploitability of Disclosure Gadgets through Characterization" [winner]
16:40 - 16:45: Award ceremony
Accepted posters
Organizing Committee
Abhishta Abhishta (University of Twente)
Zeki Erkin (Technical University of Delft)