8th Annual Cyber Security Next Generation Workshop


The annual Cyber Security Next Generation workshop in the Netherlands (supported by 4TU.NIRICT) aims to contribute to a stronger and more connected cyber security research community in the Netherlands. Seize this excellent opportunity to share ideas, experiences, and information, on the diverse topics of cyber security. Both researchers and practitioners working within the field of cyber security are cordially invited to join.

The 8th edition of this workshop will be held on the 13th of October, 2022 at the Aula Congress Center, Delft (Commisiekamer 3). Participation is free of charge

As in the previous years, the program committee is soliciting abstracts describing work on cyber security. The workshop also encourages the submission of interdisciplinary work on cybersecurity from related fields, including but not limited to all fields of criminology, law, economics, and psychology. All PhD and MSc students are encouraged to submit a one-page abstract in pdf-format, including names of the authors, affiliations and e-mail addresses. Submission is done by easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=csng2022

Important Dates

- Abstract submission deadline: September 23 

- Notification of acceptance: September 30

- Registration deadline: October 7

- Workshop date: October 13


Registration is free but required. Register here!


11:00 - 11:30  Registration
11:30 - 11:40  Welcome
11:40 - 12:30  Keynote
12:30 - 13:30  Lunch
13:30 - 14:30  Afternoon talks
14:30 - 15:30  Coffee and Poster session
15:30 - 16:30  BCMT candidate talks and Award ceremony
16:30 - 17:30  Borrel


"Design Automation for Security: History and Perspectives" by Dr. Francesco Regazzoni (UvA)

Abstract:  Physical attacks exploit the physical weaknesses of cryptographic devices to reveal the secret information stored on them. Countermeasures against these attacks are often considered only in the later stages of the full design flow, and applied manually by designers with strong security expertise. This approach, however, negatively affects the robustness, the cost, and the production time of secure devices.
A more effective way to implement secure cryptographic algorithms would enable the automatic application of side channel countermeasures and would support the verification of their correct application. This talk will revise and summarize the research efforts in this important research direction, from the first works implementing hardware design flow for security to the initial steps of automatically driving design tools using security variables, and it will highlight future research direction in design automation for security.

Afternoon Talks

13:30 - 13:50: "Multi-domain Cyber-attack Detection in Industrial Control Systems" by Jan-Paul Konijn (University of Twente)
13:50 - 14:10: "Efficient Circuits for Permuting and Mapping Packed Values Across Leveled Homomorphic Ciphertexts" by Jelle Vos (TU Delft)
14:10 - 14:30: "Digital Signatures from the Matrix-code Equivalence problem" by Monika Trimoska (Radboud University)

BCMT award ceremony

15:30 - 15:35: Introduction
15:35 - 16:00: Finn de Ridder (VU Amsterdam, supervised by Cristiano Giuffrida and Herbert Bos) SMASH: Synchronized Many-sided Rowhammer Attacks from JavaScript
16:00 - 16:25: Arpita Ravindranath (TU Delft, supervised by Mauro Conti and Matteo Cardaioli) For your voice only - exploiting side channels in voice messaging for environment detection [winner]
16:25 - 16:30: Award ceremony 

Accepted posters

- The Effect of Consumer Portfolio on the Risk Profile of Cloud Provider - Muhammad Yasir Muzayan Haq, Abhishta Abhishta and Lambert J.M. Nieuwenhuis
- The State of User Profiling via Installed Mobile Apps and their Access Time - Fadi Mohsen, Dimka Karastoyanova and Fatih Turkmen
- SoK: Explainable Machine Learning for Computer Security Applications - Azqa Nadeem, Daniel Vos, Clinton Cao, Luca Pajola, Simon Dieck, Robert Baumgartner and Sicco Verwer
- Adversarially Robust Decision Tree Relabeling - Daniël Vos and Sicco Verwer
- ENFECTION: Encoding NetFlows for Network Anomaly Detection - Clinton Cao and Sicco Verwer
- Discerning Wheat from Chaff in SOCs: A Model to Identify ‘Non-Interesting’ Events in Security Operation Centers - Leon Kersten, Tom Mulders and Luca Allodi
- Trajectory Hiding and Sharing for Supply Chains with Differential Privacy - Tianyu Li, Li Xu, Zekeriya Erkin and Reginald Lagendijk
- Privacy-preserving data aggregation with public verifiability against internal adversaries - Marco Palazzo, Zekeriya Erkin and Florine W. Dekker
- Impact of Security Awareness Training on the Economic Losses due to Phishing - Robert Kooij
- Acyclic FL: Exploiting and Protecting Composition Gaps in Fully-decentralised Learning - Florine W. Dekker, Zekeriya Erkin and Mauro Conti
- Surveillance on your Sidewalk? A critical analysis of Amazon’s LoRaWAN-based connectivity protocol - Thijmen van Gend and Seda Gurses
- A system-immersion based coding strategy for cyber-attack diagnosis - Jiaxuan Zhang, Alexander J. Gallo and Riccardo M.G. Ferrari

Organized by

Azqa Nadeem (TU Delft)

Fatih Turkmen (University of Groningen)




Wednesday, August 17, 2022