Cyber Security Next Generation: CSng

Interest group of young cyber security scientists, combining academic career development and growth ambitions with outreach to the broader community, contributing to cyber security research policy development from a young scientists’ perspective. CSng believes that by joining forces it can contribute to a strengthening of the Dutch multidisciplinary Cyber Security research community of the future requiring an increase of knowledge and expertise in this emerging field. 


CSng is about building a community of cyber security researchers and specialists, who consider themselves part of the next generation, and are willing to collaborate and shape the future of Cyber Security in the Netherlands. The inclusiveness extends to all disciplines within the Cyber Security research field. The goal is to have tighter collaboration in Cyber Security in terms of research, education, and corresponding strategies.


By organizing events such as annual workshops, trainings, and talks, all based on voluntary work and open to everyone. Possibly also facilitating and starting joint research initiatives that come out of these connections. 


CSng provides a platform for (young) researchers and specialists to exchange ideas, develop strategies, and launch collaborative activities for Cyber Security research and education in the Netherlands.